Monday, July 24, 2017

Grid.MVC: Easy to Implement Grid Using MVC

This blog demonstrates the utilization Grid.MVC for executing grids. Grid.MVC includes functionalities for controls like arranging, separating, paging and some more. This gives a simple approach to actualize HTML tables containing every one of the information. This Grid.MVC would require a model that would be an IEnumerable type or accumulation of information. Here I have utilized hardcoded esteems for populating the matrix. Presently a days numerous network sources are accessible, mostly Telerik Kendo Grid has picked up the market, however utilizing this for little applications would be simple and light since we needn't bother with any outsider instrument as we can specifically introduce Grid.MVC from the Nuget bundle that I will be appearing underneath.

Presently its opportunity to include/introduce the Grid.MVC to our venture. In the conext of MVC we would rather say add the Grid.MVC reference to the project. Therefore for that we can see Reference in the project structure skimming in the course of the web extend. We at that point right-tap on that, at that point select Manage Nuget bundle, at that point we straightforwardly scan online for the Grid.MVC, we discover the package reference with an introduce catch alongside. click on that for the installation of the package.
Presently it's a great opportunity to include the Grid code hinder into our view. The MVC Grid is utilized:
@using GridMvc.Html
@Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>columns.Add(c=>c.ID))
The functionalities like Sortable() acknowledge a boolean esteem WithPaging() the esteem parameter that proposes the quantity of records in the framework and the Titled() is utilized to include the title of the separate section. You can likewise observe the reference for the StyleSheets(.css) and Scripts(.js) for the grid.mvc and bootstrap as well. At last when we run the application utilizing the URL : "/product/Index" and we get the accompanying outcome:
@Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>
columns.Add(c => c.MeasureId).Titled("ID");
columns.Add(c => c.Measure).Titled("Measure").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.MeasuresCode).Titled("Measures Code");
columns.Add().Encoded(false).Sanitized(false).SetWidth(10).Titled("").RenderValueAs(c => @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "editMeasure", "Measure", null, null, null, new { @id = @c.MeasureId, @name = @c.MeasureName }, null));
columns.Add().Encoded(false).Sanitized(false).SetWidth(10).Titled("").RenderValueAs(c => @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteMeasure", "Measure", null, null, null, new { @id = @c.MeasureId}, null));

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fatty liver treatment by yourself

Fatty liver treatment/cure by yourself

I am not a doctor of health specialist But i was the patient who was suffering from fatty liver. I am non alcoholic person. I have search may website and found many solutions and i want to share with you which i got very beneficial.I have suffering from SGPT/SGOT with 71/78. I have follow same routine with 2 months and after 2 months my SGPT/SGOT  are came on normal range.

I have share a my daily routine.

  1. Wake-up in early morning(As early you could wake-up).
  2. After complete you all daily essential things.Drink 3 glass of water.
  3. Go to outside for 30 min walk, 15 min running(jogging) and  20 min exercise.
  4. Eat some fruits(Apple,Orange,Citrus limetta( mosambi ) or any fruit full of vitamin c).
  5. After some time you can take your breakfast without Fat.Do not dink Tea or coffee.
  6. Take Lunch your lunch should be full of vegetables and fiber.
  7. After 1 hour of Lunch drink on glass of Lemon water.
  8. Do not dink Tea or coffee.You could eat some fruits at evening.
  9. After return from you work you should drink Coconut water at evening.
  10. You need 50 min walk at evening.
  11. Take your dinner without Fat or oily food.
  12. you can walk 20 min after dinner.
  13. Take one glass of milk(toned without fat) before sleeping.
  14. If you are alcoholic then should not take alcohol.You can only take one pack of red wine.